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December Office Updates

We all know that 2020 has been a very interesting year and has given us many new challenges that most of us never expected. Out of all the things that I will remember about 2020, one thing for sure that I will remember is how great the patients I got to work with in 2020 were. I am very lucky and privileged to be able to have real human contact with you, in a year that seems to have a never ending theme of social distancing. Thank you for trusting us and we will continue to do everything possible to have the privilege of working with you in the future.

I have included a couple quick tips for the end of the year that may save you time at your next appointment.


Christmas Week

Opened Tuesday and Wednesday

Closed 12/24/20 Christmas Eve

Closed 12/25/20 Christmas Day

Opened 12/26/20 Saturday as normal

New Years Week

Closed New Years Day 1/1/21

Opened as normal all other days

Don’t hesitate to call or text for an appointment for the days that we are here. We would love for you to keep us company and keep us busy during this time of year!

Some people have chiropractic visits left through their insurance carrier and for many, those will reset back to the full amount covered in January. It may be worth getting in an appointment before you lose the rest of your covered visits for the year.

Deductibles will also reset for many people in the new year. Don’t hesitate to call before the end of the year to get one last appointment in before your deductible starts over.

If you will be getting a new insurance card, don’t hesitate to take a picture of the front and back and either text or email it to us. This could save you time at your first appointment of 2021.

In good health,

Justin Gianni DC



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